iCTV-ADC 7512 Live
ADC "the Arising Dedicated Committed -Afrikan Developing Community"
nguva yave Iyezvino -yeSystem yeNyasha yekugovera yave pedyo! Saina Yemahara uye Tora Chikamu chako cheNyasha dzisingaperi mune zvinobatika Zviwanikwa.
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NeVhidhiyo yako ye2mins, Taura Chiratidzo chako cheNharaunda yako Sustainable Socioeconomic Enterprise - Ipa yedu ADC Active Global Patrons chikonzero Chakakodzera nei ADC Philanthropists ichifanira kusimudza Bhizinesi rako? wobva wasimudzirwa ne "Grant funding, Equity funding, Ops 'fixed/mobile' building Material, Ops Equip and Products bulk Stock revolving Credit Facility! Bata nesu nekudzvanya & link up!

12Key Gardens Publishing Institute
Dr Law Come -the Apostle -* Grace Conduit Advocacy Council
* Co-founder of Grace 12Key Leadership Traits and Publishing Institute
* Bestselling Author of "Conversation with one another and with God"
* Co-founder of iCTV Live Broadcasting Network Multimedia Platform
* Co-founder of iCTV Digital Learning Resource Hub
* Co-founder of Community Fundraising Grace Mission