Our Calm gummies were formulated to help you meet life’s stressful situations with ease and better focus. Counter everyday stresses while supporting a sense of calm and relaxation with a botanical blend of lemon balm, L-theanine and whole-plant hemp extract by Charlotte’s Web™.*
BENEFITSWhile you can’t always plan for every tough or hectic moment in your day, you can take our Calm gummies with you for on-the-go support when you’d like to tone down everyday stresses. Formulated with our proprietary hemp genetics that feature naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, plus L-theanine and lemon balm in every bite, our Charlotte’s Web™ hemp extract gummies help:
- Manage everyday stressors*
- Ease normal anxiety*
- Encourage relaxation, without drowsiness*
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONProducts that are made with ingredients grown in nature sometimes vary slightly from batch to batch. Charlotte's Web™ products are not made with additives or dyes to standardize the color of our products.
Charlotte's Web™ CBD oil products include whole-plant hemp extracts from Charlotte's Web™ plants. The extracts contain a unique blend of cannabinoids plus terpenes and flavonoids. Cannabinoids are phytocompounds that are produced by the hemp plant.
- CBD + L-theanine + Lemon Balm
- CBD - 10mg/serving (from full spectrum hemp extract)
- L-theanine - 50mg/serving
- Lemon Balm - 75 mg/serving
- USA Grown Hemp
- 60 Count
- Botanical blend formulated with natural ingredients to help support relaxation.*
- Flavored with natural juices from fruits and vegetables.
- Store at room temperature away from light.
- Keep away from children.
- Adults: Take 2 gummies daily, as needed.
- Good for relaxation.*
- As with any dietary supplement, consult your physician before use if you are pregnant, nursing, have or suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medications.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lab Reports
60 Count -10mg Lab Report
iCTV Live-ADC 7512 сувгийн платформууд
ADC "The Arising Dedicated Committed - Африкийн хөгжиж буй нийгэмлэг"
Одоо цаг нь болсон - Нигүүлсэл Хуваалцах Систем ойрхон байна! Үнэгүй бүртгүүлж, биет нөөцөөс мөнхийн нигүүлслийн хувиа аваарай.
iCTV Live мультимедиа дижитал платформ дээр бүтээгдэхүүн/үйлчилгээгээ үнэ төлбөргүй сурталчлаарай/сурталчлаарай!
2 минутын видео бичлэгээрээ орон нутгийнхаа нийгэм, эдийн засгийн тогтвортой аж ахуйн нэгжийн талаарх төсөөллөө тодорхойл - Манай ADC Идэвхтэй Глобал ивээн тэтгэгчдэд ADC филантропууд яагаад таны бизнесийг нөөцлөх (өөрөөр хэлбэл сан) байх ёстой вэ гэсэн үндэслэлтэй шалтгааныг хэлээрэй? Дараа нь "Буцалтгүй санхүүжилт, Өмчийн санхүүжилт, Үйл ажиллагааны капитал, Худалдааны "тогтмол/хөдөлгөөнт" байгууламжийн барилгын материал, Ашиглалтын тоног төхөөрөмж, Бүтээгдэхүүний бөөнөөр хувьцааны эргэлтийн зээлийн байгууламжаар нэмэгдээрэй! Энгийн товшиж, линкээр холбогдоорой! http://www.ictvlive.org.za