Our Calm gummies were formulated to help you meet life’s stressful situations with ease and better focus. Counter everyday stresses while supporting a sense of calm and relaxation with a botanical blend of lemon balm, L-theanine and whole-plant hemp extract by Charlotte’s Web™.*
BENEFITSWhile you can’t always plan for every tough or hectic moment in your day, you can take our Calm gummies with you for on-the-go support when you’d like to tone down everyday stresses. Formulated with our proprietary hemp genetics that feature naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, plus L-theanine and lemon balm in every bite, our Charlotte’s Web™ hemp extract gummies help:
- Manage everyday stressors*
- Ease normal anxiety*
- Encourage relaxation, without drowsiness*
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONProducts that are made with ingredients grown in nature sometimes vary slightly from batch to batch. Charlotte's Web™ products are not made with additives or dyes to standardize the color of our products.
Charlotte's Web™ CBD oil products include whole-plant hemp extracts from Charlotte's Web™ plants. The extracts contain a unique blend of cannabinoids plus terpenes and flavonoids. Cannabinoids are phytocompounds that are produced by the hemp plant.
- CBD + L-theanine + Lemon Balm
- CBD - 10mg/serving (from full spectrum hemp extract)
- L-theanine - 50mg/serving
- Lemon Balm - 75 mg/serving
- USA Grown Hemp
- 60 Count
- Botanical blend formulated with natural ingredients to help support relaxation.*
- Flavored with natural juices from fruits and vegetables.
- Store at room temperature away from light.
- Keep away from children.
- Adults: Take 2 gummies daily, as needed.
- Good for relaxation.*
- As with any dietary supplement, consult your physician before use if you are pregnant, nursing, have or suspect a medical condition, or are taking any medications.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Lab Reports
60 Count -10mg Lab Report
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